Beer Me!
Beer Me!
An idea for a product designed during a UX Design course at General Assembly, 2018.
I gathered research by discussing the problems and inconveniences of long queue times for drinks at outdoor festivals, and created an app concept that lets you order your drinks and have them delivered via drone.
Afterwards I presented my findings and proposal to the wider group with the presentation below.
I have since updated the look and feel of the menu system and included a Google maps view, as shown above.
Year: 2018
An idea for a product designed during a UX Design course at General Assembly, 2018.
I gathered research by discussing the problems and inconveniences of long queue times for drinks at outdoor festivals, and created an app concept that lets you order your drinks and have them delivered via drone.
Afterwards I presented my findings and proposal to the wider group with the presentation below.
I have since updated the look and feel of the menu system and included a Google maps view, as shown above.
Year: 2018
An idea for a product designed during a UX Design course at General Assembly, 2018.
I gathered research by discussing the problems and inconveniences of long queue times for drinks at outdoor festivals, and created an app concept that lets you order your drinks and have them delivered via drone.
Afterwards I presented my findings and proposal to the wider group with the presentation below.
I have since updated the look and feel of the menu system and included a Google maps view, as shown above.
Year: 2018

© Oliver Grover
© Oliver Grover
Digital / Motion / UI Designer
Digital / Motion / UI Designer